Tuesday, June 11, 2013

35 weeks

This was the week that I was supposed to start getting cervical checks at every appointment, but since my dr's office was running an hour late as per usual, and I had both boys with me since school is out I told the nurse I was going to decline it. An hour is way too long for little boys to wait around so the last thing I wanted to do was be half naked trying to keep them from attacking each other in the exam room. My mom will be out for the summer by next week so I'll be able to have her watch them for me.

We set a date for my repeat cesarean section. I was hoping to split the difference between his preference (39wks) and my preference (40wks.) I thought it would be cute to have the baby on July 7th because then this baby's birthday would include the birth years of all three children ('07, '10, and'13. 39 weeks would be July 5th or 6th depending on whether one goes by the date of the IUI or the early dating ultra sounds. I suggested pushing back to mid week to him in case he had other things he wanted to do that holiday weekend. And I almost had him agreeing to a mid week surgery.
But then he changed his mind and went back to insisting on taking the baby at 39 weeks. He said the follow up ultrasound I just had showed that I have excessive amniotic fluid. He said there is a risk of uterine rupture with too much amniotic fluid, so it is better to take the baby early. I don't knwo how much I trust this explanation. He let me go to 40 wks with Baby Boy and DH said the OR nurses made a big deal out of how much amniotic fluid came out of me, and I didn't have any rupturing then.

As a result, I'm disappointed to have to deliver at 39 weeks. On the other hand I'm freaking out. Just this weekend I was telling people I am due in 5wks, but in reality this means I have less than 4 weeks! Holy smoke!

Here's a pic from Sunday:

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