Sunday, April 5, 2020

Quarantine Palm Sunday

As the pandemic persists we are still being asked to shelter at home, the governor has closed the schools and the archbishop has cancelled all the Masses. I was so heartbroken when I learned that Easter was essentially cancelled this year. This has truly been the lentiest Lent that ever lented. But it has been an opportunity for people to get creative so that we can continue to lead our lives and celebrate our traditions with those with whom we live.

Many Catholics around the country suggested marking our doors with palms or whatever branches we have on hand to celebrate Palm Sunday. My parish additionally recommended to tie those branches with a red ribbon since it is the liturgical color of Palm Sunday. What do I have a lot of that I can spare? English laurel. Our parish also emailed out a worship aid for how we could begin to worship before we live streamed the Mass. I was very pleased when T-Bone offered to be the lead reader. There were opportunities for everyone to have a reading part.

I had started pruning the perennial bed yesterday so we used some lavender cuttings for our individual 'palms' for before and during the Mass. AS much as they whip their palms around normally I felt like if nothing else at least the family room will smell nice.

He also was pretending to be one of the dads we see regularly at Mass who had a baby recently. He's bouncing and rocking his bunny like a baby.

Mr. W was totally sweet and had done a little research a couple days earlier and looked up some recipes for Palm Sunday. I don't actually have any ear marked for this day so I was so thrilled and flattered. He started with a hearts of palm salad which was really good. He also made chicken with roasted grapes. Little Miss really loved those roasted grapes.

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