Saturday, October 5, 2019

Celebrating St. Francis

St. Francis Day is a particularly special day to celebrate in our house. Little Miss's school was doing a blessing of the animals at the end of the school day so the boys and I packed up the bunnies to take them in to be blessed.  There were a lot of dogs, but our bunnies were very popular with so many of the students. Deuce found a beetle in the grass while we were waiting and was hoping Fr. would bless the little beetle too.

I'm not a dog person, but I enjoyed this St. Bernard representing on St. Francis Day.

Mr. W is back at his college celebrating 100 years of his fraternity chapter so I threw together a very light supper and we ate inside, I just did not have it in me to set up a picnic in the yard while solo parenting for 4 days. We always have a meatless meal to celebrate St. Francis and tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches is a crowd pleaser here. I don't even follow a recipe for the soup anymore, as long as I have a big can of crushed tomatoes I can pull something together.

Fortunately the kids were super helpful and enjoyed decorating the table for our meal. T-Bone cut some hydrangeas for me to arrange for the centerpiece and put out the fruits. (Hence the stickers still on them.) Deuce had requested pears for the holiday so I bought several options for him.

As everyone finished their meal I read St. Francis and the Animals by Leo Politi and my autographed copy of St. Francis of Assisi: A Life of Joy by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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