Friday, April 3, 2020

Lenten Poetry Tea

Since Little Miss has joined out homeschool she has been asking and asking to have another Poetry Tea. She put it on our list for the week on Monday. I had three brown bananas that needed to become bread so it seemed like a reasonable request to fulfill. But T-Bone took it upon himself to lead the baking of the banana bread himself earlier this week; he is into baking. I was not allowed into the kitchen while they prepared it. I thought it was very sweet and was quite proud of his leadership. But then they woofed it down before we even had a chance at setting up tea. I felt the pressure at our morning meeting to pull of the tea today since it is Friday. After our Quarantine Stations T-Bone and I make quarlesami the Italian lenten biscotti. He paid nice attention to detail, even during the process of removing the filbert skins. First they are baked into logs shapes and then they are cut diagonally and baked a bit longer.

Little Miss wanted to read a couple of the Bear Snores On books which I felt could qualify since they have some meter and rhyme. She also was so excited about the tea that she wrote her own poem earlier this week and she shared that too.

Deuce had some sensory overload at the time and didn't want to read anything aloud, but he did recently finish XX a children's version of the Iliad and the Odyssey so we talked a little about Homer being a poet and how the meter and rhyme would help the storytellers memorize the the epic poems. T-Bone brought Shel Silverstein to share and I read from Robert Lewis Stevenson's Child's Verse illustrated by Tasha Tudor.

Mr. W also joined us in our tea; he shared Robert Burns' Ode to Haggis and Walt Whitman's Oh, Pioneer.

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