Sunday, June 24, 2012


A big fat negative home pregnancy test. Le sigh!
I realize now that I mistyped the other day when I wrote that my temps had fallen by a degree.  In fact they had fallen by a tenth of a degree, which of course there will be some fluctuation, but two days in a row gave me cause for concern.  But then they rose by a tenth of a degree the next two days so I was gleeful again that this was my month!  My due date would have been March 3, the same birth day as my godsons.  How cute would that be?  I was convinced.
I was so excited that I went to bed as soon as our guests left at 10:30 PM last night.  I figured the sooner I went to sleep, the sooner it would be morning and I could take my temperature. I didn't sleep well though; I was so excited that I kept waking up every hour or so looking at the clock to see if it was morning yet.
Then to make things a bit more challenging, Baby Boy got a hold of my thermometer yesterday and slobbered it to death.  By the time I realized he had it the digital screen was so covered with saliva inside that it sloshed back and forth.  Fortunately we have a thermometer in one of the children's first aid kits. When I woke up at 5:30 AM and hear birds chirping I decided it was finally late enough to test.  But my temp had fallen from 98.7 the day before to 97.8!  That's when I realized I had been mistaken when I said "fallen by a degree".  Now it really had taken a significant dive in just one day.  Like a fall from Grace.
I convinced myself it must have been too early, it's a new thermometer, etc.  I decided to lay motionless for another 45 minutes so it would be closer to 6:30 AM when I usually test.  By then my temp had risen to 98.2.   That was encouraging enough for me, so I hopped out of bed and POAS. By the time I walked back to my bed to curl in next to Mr. W to share the results the HPT already read "NOT PREGNANT."
I'm CD32 and 13DPO.  I'm not an early POASer so I believe that this is legitimate.  So now I wait for AF to arrive to move on to cycle #11 and Letrozole. I hope it works. I hate this drama.

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