Recently I overheard Duece mention something about the red light at church; I think they must have had a tour or something, in any event I wasn’t really sure what he was talking about. It had never really occurred to me that there was a red light near the tabernacle. I guess in my mind it was just vestiges of the 70s when cranberry or amber glass was popular for votives. But our new priest had made a big deal about having an Irish American family move the marble tabernacle from just off the altar to front and center.
Me. W took the boys on a Cub Scout camping trip over the weekend and my mom happened to call to see if someone could spend the night and I only had Little Miss to offer her. So what did I do with my kid free weekend? I went to Mass st my childhood parish of course! 🤓 While I was there I noticed that they had also moved the tabernacle back to the center of the altar and that their free standing red light had moved with it.
I decided that it was high time that I investigate the meaning of the special red light. I went deep; I went to Wikipedia. They are called Sanctuary lamps or chancel lamps and they are placed near the tabernacle to indicate the presence of Christ. The lamps are often colored red, although this is not the law, to distinguish them from the other votives in the sanctuary. It can be suspended from the ceiling by a chain, afixed to the wall, on a ledge, or on a stand. Basically I have seen these special red lights everywhere in every configuration and never paid any attention. I’m shocked, frankly, based on my habit of noticing small details like this. But now I know thanks to my son. You learn a new thing every day.